1 Review

Key Features
It is the best landscape plant.
It does very well in sun or shade.
It has good tolerance to adverse conditions.
It is exotic and air purifier plant.

Ficus Prestige Small (10 Plants) belongs to genus Ficus. Ficus genus has about 850 species of woody trees, shrubs and veins. The distinctive features of this genus includes aerial roots, a single trunk and distinctive shape. Fruits are commonly known as edible figs, it is one of the most common plant for landscape and found all over the world. Presented plant has following specifications:

Plant Height : .5 to 1 Feet
Potting Medium : Soil Mix
Number of Plants: 10

Ficus Prestige Small (10 Plants) Introduction

Ficus is found in the semi- warm temperate zone, climatic condition in this region makes it suitable for its growth, it is evergreen with unique blooming flowers and utilizes the wasp species for pollination.

Ficus is common plant for the home and office landscape plant because of its less maintenance and exotic appearance. Imagine a mini tree plant with complete tree trunk and canopy. It is known to beautify many homes and offices with its unique features.

In order to keep the plant in a good condition, regular misting of the plant with water is recommended, it is also good to constantly check the top soil which should be damp but not too wet.

Weeping fig (Ficus Benjamina) was part of NASA Clean Air Study and it was found to be effective in removing formaldehyde, xylene and toluene.