Aglaonema is commonly known as chinese evergreen, it is native to tropical regions of South Asia and falls in a genus of flowering plants araceae. Araceae plant family has several other wonderful indoor plants like Spathiphyllum, Dieffenbachia, Philodendron, Anthurium, Zamiocaucas. Aglaonema is a wonderful group of evergreen versatile plants which were cultivated by Chinese and moved to Europe and America.

Aglaonema is one of the most popular houseplant, its beautiful foliage attracts to everyone. Aglaonema is widely grown in houses, offices, shops, stores, malls etc, all over the world as luck-bringing ornamental plant, NASA clean air study results show chinese evergreens is capable of cleaning indoors air by removing benzene and formaldehyde.

Chinese evergreen is extremely easy to care, plant can survive in poorly lighted and ventilated areas and does not need feeding frequently. Aglaonema Modestum was the first aglaonema specie grown in China, by the time there are about 80 popular aglaonema varieties, most of these species require easy and similar care except few.
Aglaonema Modestum
Aglaonema Modestum is the oldest variety of chinese evergreen, its cultivation started in China centuries before, from there it was taken to other parts of the world, this variety of chinese evergreen is rare to find and slow growing. Aglaonema Modestum is easy care plant and requires less attention, with moderate light and water, it can reach height of 15 to 30 inch with width of 10 to 35 inch in couple of years time. Its wonderful deep green foliage on glossy leaves look attractive.

Aglaonema Silver Queen
Aglaonema Silver Queen is the most popular variety of chinese evergreen, its a hybrid variety introduced around 40 years ago by Nat De Leon, many hybrids came and went but its still equally popular and it can be found in most of the nurseries around the world. Silver Queen requires little care like other Aglaonema species it can grow up to 16″ to 36″ height and 10″ to 40″ width in couple of years time. Silver Queen is less tolerant to cooler temperature than other Aglaonema varieties.

Aglaonema Maria
Aglaonema Maria is also know as Emerald Beauty, its native to Philippines from there it was taken to rest of the world, Emerald Beauty is one of the best low light plants and requires least care while its deep green foliage gives a soothing effect to interiors. It is slow growing variety does not require frequent feeding, it can reach to maximum 32″ height and 36″ width in three years.

Aglaonema Maria Christina
Aglaonema Maria Christina looks almost like Aglaonema Silver Queen but because of slighter small leaves and dense foliage it provides a different look. Maria Christina is more tolerant to cold than Silver Queen. It can grow up to 30″ height in couple of years with equally dense foliage.

Aglaonema Abidjan
Aglaonema Abidjan is a tough plant and looks like Aglaonema Jubilee, it was introduced by Jim Voster in eighties. Its fast grower with longer and wider leaves than the Jubilee. Aglaonema Abidjan is native to Ivory Cost and its rare to find variety now a days. It can reach height of 15″ to 40″ in couple of years time.

Aglaonema Amelia
Aglaonema Amelia is another stunning variety of chinese evergreen, it has dark green leaves with patches of light green blotches, it has very dense foliage which adds tremendous beauty to interiors. Its easy care and good performer plant for low light conditions which can get height of 10″- 28″ with width 16-38″ in couple of years time.

Aglaonema BJ Freeman
Aglaonema BJ Freeman is also known as Aglaonema Cecelia and Aglaonema Gabriell, it is the first large scale commercially grown aglaonema species, it has large leaves with green gray look on them. Leaves are delicate and can be easily damaged, plant needs good bright indirect light to grow at best. It can reach the height of 16″ to 48″ with the width 12″ to 28″ in couple of years time.

Aglaonema Black Lance
Aglaonema Black Lance is a taller, more like a upright grower, it has long and narrow leaves with a long broad strip of light green to silver runs on top of the dark green leaves down the center of the leaves. Black Lance can reach the height of 16″ – 36″ with equally breadth in couple of years time. This also requires bright indirect light to grow well indoors.

Aglaonema Brilliant
Aglaonema Brilliant has white stem and dark green leaves with silver on them, it is very low maintenance plant and can do well in low light conditions, it has good tolerance to cold. It likes completely dry out between watering when indoors. Aglaonema Brilliant can grow to 16″ to 28″ height and 14″ to 28″ width in a 14″ pot.

Aglaonema Cory
Aglaonema Cory has white or cream color stem with beautiful silver-green feathery stripes on green leaves, it is easy care plant and has good tolerance to cold. Aglaonema Cory grows with dense foliage and it can reach height of 14″ – 36″ with 16″ to 28″ width in couple of years time.

Aglaonema Deborah
Aglaonema Deborah is also known as Queen of Siam, in size it looks like BJ Freeman, leaves are dark green at edge and gray-green in center, veins are dark green with white color stems, overall it looks very bright. Its easy care and good for low light conditions, it can grow up to 14″ to 32″ in height and 18″ to 36″ width in a 14″ pot.

Aglaonema Emerald Bay
Aglaonema Emerald Bay looks like Aglaonema Silver Bay, it has good tolerance to cold. Aglaonema Emerald Bay is easy care and it grow up to 14″ to 28″ height with 18″ to 30″ width in 14″ pot in couple of years time, it can survive well in low light conditions.

Aglaonema Emerald Star
Aglaonema Emerald Star is by Partha & Mukundan of India. It has dark green, wide and very glossy leaves with three shades, it gets its name from Emerald Bay deep green color, its leaves are wide and large as one of Dieffenbachia. It’s talker growing variety and can reach to a height of 18-44″ with equal width in a 17″ pot, it has very dense foliage and handle cold better than other varieties.

Chinese Evergreen Aglaonema Varieties Part -2
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