Best 10 Stress Booster Indoor Plants
06 Jan

In recent times, there have been several research and studies conducted concluding plants not only enhance for aesthetic appeal, they serve well-being and overall health. Presence of plants have soothing influence producing a friendly breathing environment conducive to positivity, creativity and high level of consciousness. High carbon dioxide levels in indoor living space can cause drowsiness, headaches, and affect overall productivity.

Through the process of photosynthesis, office plants absorb the carbon dioxide and release oxygen reducing air pollution and stress. Several houseplants are identified doing more than just converting CO2 to O2, they absorbs harmful gases like Benzine, Ammonia and remove dust, molds and bacterias from the atmosphere. Presence of green adds a ton to the mind, mood and soul, plants help to concentrate better and boost our creativity. Based on our experience and recent research reports below is the low low maintenance plants which add to the beauty of house and better life experience:

Best 10 Stress Booster Indoor Plants

Green Plants:


Lemon Balm Potted Plant (Melissa Officinalis)

Lemon Balm Potted Plant (Melissa Officinalis) – it

Leaf Anthurium (Flamingo Lily)

Key Features It is an elegant foliage plant. It is

Sansevieria Francisii (Snake Plant)

Sansevieria Francisii is hardy, drought tolerant and low

Philodendron Red Emerald (Philodendron domesticum – Elephant ear Philodendron)

Philodendron Red Emerald is hardy, drought tolerant and

Cobra Fern (Asplenium Nidus)

Cobra Fern (Asplenium Nidus) is hardy, low maintenance

Peace Lily Sensational (Spathiphyllum Sensational)

Peace Lily Sensational is the best air purifier

Flowering Plants:

Flowering Plants required to be placed around the sun facing window to get at least 2 hours direct sun light and bright light all day along, these can be grown under artificial lights as alternative to sun light.

Jasminum Auriculatum (Juhi)

Jasminum Auriculatum (Juhi): It is a distinctive evergreen flowering

Gardenia (Ananta, Gandhraj)

Gardenia (Ananta, Gandhraj): It is a distinctive evergreen flowering

Night Jasmine (Parijat, Parijatak, Harsingar) 72 Inch

Parijat, Parijatak, Harsingar Big: It is a distinctive evergreen

Crape Jasmine (Tagar, Chandani)

Crape Jasmine (Tagar, Chandani) Height : 10 to 20

Gardenia Dwarf (Ananta, Gandhraj)

Gardenia Dwarf (Ananta, Gandhraj)

Crape Jasmine (Tagar, Chandani) Dwarf

Crape Jasmine (Tagar, Chandani) Dwarf Height : 10 to

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